When you choose our funeral home for cremation, you can take comfort in knowing that your loved one will always be in our staff’s compassionate, capable hands. Because we offer cremations at our safe and secure on-site crematory, your loved one never leaves our care. Our licensed and trained professionals handle every step of the cremation process with dignity and respect, and knowing that your loved one is being cared for by one team of professionals gives you peace of mind.
We have rigorous procedures that ensure your loved one is being cared for appropriately, and we handle each cremation with dignity and professionalism. Our associates are licensed by the State Board as crematory operators, and routinely receive additional training and continuing education. You can be assured that we are committed to the highest standard in the industry.
We are often asked what exactly happens during a cremation. First, the casket or container holding the deceased is placed in the cremation chamber. After a couple of hours, the cremated remains are carefully removed from the cremation chamber, processed and placed into an urn chosen and purchased by the family. Throughout the entire process, we use a meticulous labeling system to ensure accurate identification of the cremated remains. This process follows our commitment to providing the highest standard of care in every aspect of our services to each family who chooses our funeral home.
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